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Old 11-01-2004, 05:04 PM   #27
JoshyD8705 should edit this
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Default The Pro Republican you've waited for

I'm gonna go from beginning to end with this.... to start things off I'd like to address the people who believe that 9/11 is Bush's fault... Clinton was in office when the World Trade Center was bomb and had a chance to prevent something like that from ever happening again, but he dismissed it so if it's any Americand fault it's Clintons he was probably to bust getting a blow job

Next thing to address is Job loss and inflation during his time in office... Job loss is from the world trade center being hit it lost millions of jobs and sorly decreased the value of money sending the USA into a recession, but Bush is the First US President to keep us from a depression he's even created 1.9 million new jobs

Another thing is people saying our economy is getting worse, but statistics say other wise America's worst misery rate was during the great depression at 20. something... Clintons Administrations highest was a 9.9 and lowest was about 6.3 and that's with the economic boom Windows and the internet brought to America by the way at the end of Clintons Admin. his misery rate was 7.4. Bush's highest misery rate was 8.8 that was after the recession and he managed to get it back to a 7.4 right were it started.

I would like to know why people don't support the US going into Iraq or blame Bush for being their in the first place. WHO CARES HOW OR WHY SADDAM WAS TAKEN FROM POWER! HE WAS A MURDERER WHO HAS KILLED MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE... besides it's not Bush to blame for attacking Iraq it's our CIA's fault they told bush there was evidence of WMD's and he acted on it. Don't you wish a Country would of done that to Germany before WW2 could take place? Saddam ignored Sanctions so did Germany under Hitler the Difference is America did a Pre-emtive strike before Saddam could of even tried to do what Hitler did.

Don't miss quote Bush by saying he said he hates Canada... why would he care about a Country with the Population on 1 American state enough to hate them he might disagree with some Canadian Policies but I promise you he doesn't hate you if anything you hate him and who cares if you do? it's not like Americans even thing about Canada until we find one of your stupid coins come out of the soda machine what's sad about it is their pennies not just pennies but canadian pennies that are worth less than our already unwanted American pennies is that some kind of sick Canadian Joke?

and by the way screw Kerry I can fully say without remorse that I hate the man nothing he says can be believed as a Senator he's absent half the time how could you trust him as presiden to show up? and He has disrespect our Vietnam Vets. by spitting in their faces. He has been quoted saying he has commited war crimes and that he hasn't witnessed others commiting them he just knows from stories he's been told and he has faked injuries to receive the purple hearts required for him to get released from the military and get rewards he never deserved

I have more to say but i'll stop there...
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