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Old 11-01-2004, 06:27 PM   #5
NetRodent should edit this
X Cuseme
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Originally posted by Mister X
I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth the damn trouble to have visa. We had 4 chargebacks in September and all were very questionable. The first one was issued 4 full months after the original charge went through. The second was for a guy that joined, rebilled twice and cancelled through the regular channels. Then 2 months after the 2nd rebill visa charges back the original join PLUS the 2 rebills and we get THREE damn chargebacks from the same guy. What a load of shit!
Do keep a record of when a member logs in? We noticed that the vast majority of our chargebacks come from people who took a trial, but never logged in after the trial. They'd get rebilled for a few months and then charge them all back at once.

If you really want to avoid chargebacks, don't bill people who aren't actively using your sites. Of course the decrease in chargebacks probably wouldn't offset the decrease in revenue.
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