My prediction is, that if you don’t get your passports in order now, you’ll have a very hard time of it in the not so far off future!
While I don’t really think there will be a mass exodus now, I truly believe that many Americans will want to get the hell out of America when the shit “really” starts the hit the preverbal fan! I believe that isn’t too far off.
Do you honestly think Bush wants this or will allow this? Hell NO
The USA is going to make it harder and harder for their citizens to obtain their passports.
And, make it harder and harder for any citizen to leave the country.
You can or may disagree, that’s fine.
But, the simple truth of the matter is, as more and more Americans leave the US for other countries, bringing along their families, their American currency, skills, businesses and tax paying dollars….the Government loses. This wont set well with the “ Police State” we’re heading for.
It isn’t for just another 4 more years. The damage that the Bush administration is going to cause will last for many, many years after.