11-05-2004, 01:07 AM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
Posts: 4,780
xBucks: 45,366
Originally posted by Rochard
Qualifications For Rochard being Mr. X Nations:
- A fondness for fun in the bedroom: I want excitement, I want it all. If your not willing to wear a coyboy hat or a motor oil, get out of my bed.
- No one gives back to the adult industry like moi: Have you SEEN the Bunny Ranch recently?
- The Safety Dance: I have an odd thing for 80’s Canadian music. Really. Ever heard of Chilliwack?
- I speak French: Oui.
- French Kissing: Very good at it. Please ask for references or contact The Legacy’s wife.
- Coolness Factor: I have a motorcycle and a leather jacket. And I ride like the wind.
- Geek Factor: A college education in computers. I can fix anything. If I’m elected Mr. X Nations I’ll consider doing free tech support for everyone.
- Clean as a whistle: Other than hot tubbing naked in Vegas once, you can’t find any dirt on moi. See, there’s my French again.
- I love animals: My dog is named Sparky and my cat is named Coco. Really.
- Short Hair: My hair is short and sassy
- Dedication: Note that I’ve worked for the same company for four years. Lightspeedo must be keeping for some reason.
- Phone Sex: I’m rather good at it.
- Not going to hell: I’m an ordained minister. Really. I can do weddings and all. Oui.
- Trust: Everyone trusts me. Even FB. If not she’d be screwed right now.
- Size: Size matters to you ladies? I’m ROCHARD.
LOL! It is very tempting to vote for you. I must admit though, I'm still undecided as to who I will actually vote for.