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Old 11-05-2004, 12:41 PM   #1
G3X-Scott should edit this
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Default New to the biz and a lot of questions to be answered!

My name is Scott and I am honored to be one of the newest additions to the Marketing Department for WEGcash.com, Purecash.com and our newest and most exciting program, G3X.com.

I am excited to be a part of a great, well seasoned team of professionals and for a company that is well-established in the industry.

Since, I am a “newbie” to this industry but not to the marketing world; I understand the science in successful business strategies. I hope to bring my marketing and customer service skills and experience to this expanding company.

From a pair of fresh-eyes stand point; I can advise that I am astonished as to what G3X.com will provide and how it will carve a signature into this lucrative industry.

If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to any of the programs mentioned above please do not hesitate to contact me. I will do my best in answering your questions and concerns with a solution in a timely matter.

I could not be more excited about G3X.com and the other programs but more importantly what they symbolize; experience driven, customer support, and professionalism.

Thank you and look forward to getting to know the community!

More information pertaining to G3X.com will come soon.
Marketing Assistant
Web Entertainment Group
icq 233719996

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