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Old 11-05-2004, 08:02 PM   #9
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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Phase Tne of my plan is now complete - To establish a presence here on X Nations. I did that with style and grace.

Now I move onto Phase Two of my plan, which has already begun. Phase Three and Phase Four should be completed by this time next year. (You paying attention here Chris?)

Now it's time for the truth. I didn't win because I'm more popular than YNOT Bob (clearly I'm not), and I didn't win because I'm better looking than LAJ (although there may be some truth in that statement!). I won because the contest was launched while I was on line, and I had an entire night with nothing to do besides choking the chicken and I got a huge jump start on every one else. By the time LAJ woke up it was already over. Sorry ya all - Early bird gets the worm.

Special thanks to everyone who took part and everyone who voted for me.

I wonder what my prize will be; I've heard rumors about a private dinner with Fun Brunette (although I may have started this rumor myself!).

Stay tuned everyone.
Director of Products & Services | YNOT
Skype rochardbuss
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