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Old 11-09-2004, 11:24 PM   #1
Rochard should edit this
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Default If you could start new would you pick a differnet name?

Little known fact about Rochard..... I once worked at the phone company as a 411 operator. Each operator in every area code had a name specific to that operator, and Richard was already taken. I asked to "Zaltar, King of the Operators" but they refused it. So I picked Zachary. It's really a little tape that goes off when you call 411; I heard "This is Zachary, what city please?" three thousand times a day. It kind of stuck.

So when this Inetnet thingy came along I called myself Zak3, being as I love threesomes (where is Fun Brunette and Evil Chris when you need them the most?). Hated it.

Tanker comes along and tells me my name is gay, so I took the "i" from Richard and changed it to an "o" and presto, a legend was born.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
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