I have been named Mark for a reason.
Changing it never had come to mind.
Though talking about internet handles, I had first used the nick WPB meaning
"WhitePolarBear" and as the story unfolds
I was in my early 20's when first finding irc
I had spent many hours on a Canadian irc channel talking to many nice people about
the polar bears and the country's beautiful
scenery. The Rockies! Next year my dream
will be fulfilled and I will come and spend
a few months there in 2005.
There is also a dark nick "ICEAciD"
I went by while being dragged into the bear pit of flame. I had been married at 21 and sadly divorced at 22 and for a short time after this period I had become very depressed and was lead down the wrong road by the wrong group of people on the
information super highway.
Though never been spanked, nothing could shock me as for a very long time after my divorce left me to suffer panic attacks. Valium was taken like popcorn and I have have been agoraphobic for a long period
of my life. I had left the flame because I quickly found I could kept a centered and clear level of thinking and find that it
brings more pleasure to make a friend online rather than hate. I have been down that road and I do not like that path. I will never bring myself to hate again.
As for a much brighter insite of who Mark is
I have some mates on ausnet who we use to meet back in Sydney a few years ago
who knew me as monaro. They called me that cause of my tuff car and I carried
and plan to continue to carry that nick
for the future of my online adventure.
Tho still slightly agoraphobic I fight my fear
every day when I go outside. My plans are now solid that I will make the long tip to Canada to live out my dream.
Have a great day.