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Old 11-14-2004, 11:12 AM   #11
McAttack should edit this
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I think along the same lines as Mister X. I don't think we necessarily work "together" much. There are some people that I can thank a lot for the help when I started and I feel bad that I couldn't do enough in return for them even though I tried to send them business from other people. But overall, people don't help much unless it helps them.

When I was doing some gay sites for a while for a client of mine, I did find that the gay webmaster community was much more tight with each other. There was a LOT of help. You could easily ask "What do you think of this tour?" and you'll get honest answers with depth to it. The only thing you have to be straight about is if you are straight and trying to be in that niche, it's because you are serious, and not just thinking "money is better here" cause they don't like those types of webmasters and I don't blame them. It kills the straight webmaster market.

So in general, I don't think we work together much more than I've seen when I worked in the video game industry. We worked together back then to try and cross-brand products. The partnership lastest a few months, a couple of product launches and then that was it. Never told them much, never expected them to tell us anything.
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