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Old 10-27-2002, 12:28 AM   #93
Danny_C should edit this
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Obviously the "believe just in case" people didn't read the links I posted... or else they would at least back up their logic with an explanation of how believing is safer than disbelieving.

If I believe in one God, don't I risk facing the wrath of all of the other god's, who have forbade me to believe in any other higher power? Seems to me the odds of going to heaven are pretty bad in either case.

And if I believe, I risk being taken advantage of; being manipulated; being taken for a fool.

Here's the biggest danger in belief: You assume you know the answers. Science may not have the answers, but the thing that makes science superior to religion is that theories can be revised. Scientists don't claim to know - the research continues. Religion doesn't search for answers, because it already HAS the answers. In fact, religion is resistant to revision, and THAT makes it dangerous. So what good is a society who stops searching for the truth because they already know the truth? Personally, I would like to see humans evolve a bit further... become more intelligent, expand their consciousness. But religion just doesn't facilitate that.

Think about it... Imagine if a scientist, tomorrow, emeged with undeniable proof of how we were created, and this new theory (which is proven), as nothing to do with God. Let's also assume this knowledge contains warnings crucial for the survival of humanity. Religion would resist his "devilish trickery", he would probably be killed, and chaos would ensue. Religion can get ugly when truth is involved.

So to me, the better odds are in NOT believing.

Twinkley: If you haven't already, read A Brief History of Time. Some of the theories in the book have been put in doubt since the time it was written, but a lot of the ideas are pretty solid. I think you'll come to understand how the big bang is at least a realistic possibility.

And your question, "Where did THAT all come from?" Well, first, the big bang not only spewed out matter - it was the beginning of time itself. There was nothing before the big bang... there was only singularity.

I know that's not a complete or proven answer, but again, scientists admit they don't know yet... they're still searching. But think... God is equally questionable. If he created everything, who created him?
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Last edited by Danny_C; 10-27-2002 at 12:38 AM.
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