Originally posted by monaro
If your throwing it out, I always wanted one of those. I have this spot on the mail box out front that could use one. I just hate online spam just as much as junk mail. Perhapes it will help stop the ads that show up in the mail box, Like does it look like I need my lawn mowed? Its the best looking grass in the street. LOL
haha I doubt that monaro but it might protect your home.
<embed src="http://banners.videosz.com/webmasters/flash/120x60-1.swf" quality=high WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="60" menu="false" FlashVars="link=http%3A%2F%2Fwebmasters.videosz.co m%2Findex.php%3Fwebmaster_id%3D81"></embed>
ICQ: 282814268