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Old 11-21-2004, 11:15 AM   #5
Vid Vicious
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Default Re: I need Tight Jeans Content!

Originally posted by Tightfetish
I need to find suppliers of Tight Jeans content. I need super hot women and girls in tight jeans. Brand name jeans preferred. Teasing photos, camel toes, butt shots, wet jeans, muddy jeans etc etc. Fully clothed, teasingly clothed and slightly nude (no nipples, no bare pussy shots etc).

I need both exclusive and non exclusive jeans content.

Exclusive content: I need images of girls that can never be found on the internet with the exception of my site alone. High quality images.

As far as content is concerned, I will say now that I am not expecting to pay as much as someone buying images of girls fucking dildos or getting cum shot on their faces etc. I'm sure you understand.

As for non exclusive content: If you shoot 20 girls a month and 8 out of 10 of those photoshoots start in girls wearing a pair of jeans, I want the images of them before they get naked and will buy them in bulk.

I am looking for the best prices for the best images of the hottest girls.

If you own a content website, please post them here and I will look them over. HOWEVER, I also ask that you send me an email.

I need to know:
Price for non exclusive content.
How much for how much?
Prices for exclusive content.

Include your website addy, email and in what ways you accept payment.

Email me at
mogusland at hotmail dot com.

Thank you.
if your paying I can set you up with custom exclusive content to your site ... I got a shit load of girls and shoot in amny differnt styles

fashion pics aren't a problem

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