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Old 11-22-2004, 03:05 AM   #6
kaustic should edit this
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its 3am right now... soi have to make it short... I read your post and couldnt agree more with most of the topics. I am totally into the creation of more of an online community with the added benefit of porn.... I mean, its perfect... and I would be catering to the needs of the consumer, and I have done the research and my concept is not in play at the moment, and it is specific. and as with business you do better when you specialize..... I think I have a good idea on my hands and Im going to give is a try, but I need to get some money together first...

thank you very much for the reply, I´m goig to re-read iut in the morning.....

thanks again


Miami..... what more can I say....
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