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Old 11-22-2004, 10:29 AM   #5
kaustic should edit this
ˇEl Perico!
Join Date: May 2004
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Hahahahaa..... I´ll remember that one for next time I wanna be taken to jail..... down here cops don´t know what they´re doing.... in fact:

recently a local cop who was working at a school air-tazer´d a 6 year old boy.... The air tazer shot two darts into the boy followed by 500,000 volts of electric current...... Lawsuits pending.... then a week later, they did the same thing to a 12 year old girl... which leads me to believe that cops can´t protect us from children, how do they plan on stopping anything really bad from happening...

btw: the girl was skipping school, and the cop said ¨I was protecting her from doing any harm to herself¨ and they didnt comment about the boy.... but thats a good one Mark... hehe
Miami..... what more can I say....
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