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Old 11-26-2004, 04:56 AM   #1
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Default When you order in home delivery "hot food"

Guys, I don't want to cook tonight, so I have thought about ordering in for george and myself some dinnner but can not think of what to order. The selections are limited, as where I live I can only order in the following;

Rack of ribs,
umm thats about it I think.

I had spent the last 20 minutes searching Brisbane online and can only find the above who will do a home delivery.

I might just finish this bottle of jim bean
and not eat anything for myself and feed my baby george a rack of ribs.

BTW the pizza can be from a number of places, such like the one from last friday was from Tommy's Pizza and that was a cracked egg over a meat lovers. So I just cant deside.

Need help, what would you order in?
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