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Old 11-29-2004, 01:38 PM   #1
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Lightbulb Your thoughts on 3 Tiered Member Access

I am writing up my thoughts for my new site... and I was thinking of using 3 member access levels.... This way they have access to some of the content for a small amount of money, a little more for a little more, and all of it, for just a bit more than that...

I think that people on the internet are more inclined to purchase something that is literally pocket cash to them... I think the standard sum of pocket cash on the internet is $5, I mean, there are websites that don´t even sell porn, or anything at all, they just accept donations to keep the site alive at $5, and it works...

So, what I´m thinking is, by creating a Gold, Platinum, and Diamond level member access (All using PHP.MYSQL) I can get some people to try it out for cheap, and then in theory, they will want more and more as days/weeks/months progress, and eventually I convert $5 members into $25 members.......

This is also beneficial for the affiliate program I have in mind....

What you think?
Miami..... what more can I say....
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