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Old 11-29-2004, 02:02 PM   #2
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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I think that regardless of whether a tiered membership works for the site it will make it hard to get affiliates. 5$ is just too low to interest most guys with traffic unless the conversion rates are VERY high. Which would mean that you would have to pay more than that and depend on rebills and upgrades and upsells to make your money. Which is risky.

Things are also complicated by the fact that a membership which rebills can't be upgraded. It has to remain at the same price as the original transaction, unless it is a trial membership. That means that there are only 2 options. The member has to cancel the original membership and then sign up again or he has to sign up twice for the same site to get the upgrade and have 2 rebilling transactions for the same site.

In the first case the member is unlikely to do it because he would have to cancel and then wait for his first subscription to expire before signing up again to avoid having 2 simultaneous memberships.

In the second case the 2 memberships wouldn't renew on the same schedule so it makes it fairly complicated to implement. It also means that there is a possibility that the original membership can be cancelled and the member can access the extra content at a lower rate.

Both methods make an affiliate program very complicated if you want to try to use a revshare type program.

The sites out there that have upgradeable memberships are not selling adult content which gives them options that an adult site just doesn't have at the moment.
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