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Old 11-29-2004, 03:37 PM   #5
kaustic should edit this
ĄEl Perico!
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Good points...

To add on to it.... I took Muay Thai Kickboxing for a while and I highly suggest it.... for self defense, none of this aerobic mumbo jumbo.... The best thing I learned in that class is how to throw (and get hit by ) elbows.... So I shall pass on this tip to all of you...

To really put the elbow to use (as in crack someones skull wide open, in self defense of course) you must utilize the tip of the bone in your elbow... More than likely if you just throw your arm, youŽll just hit them with your forearm which is soft and spreads out the hit and wont do much.... so heres the tip:

As you move your arm to throw the elbow, keep your open palmfacing forward. This means your open palm swings down from around your face to right about your sternum..... Notice what this does to the bone.... It makes it point right out at your target.... Now with speed and force behind it.... you can use that pointy (and senseless) elbow to crack some heads....

Miami..... what more can I say....
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