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Old 11-30-2004, 04:13 PM   #4
AWT should edit this
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Not help us run it.....

I'm talking like partners in there own right, we will set you up as your own independant model agency or directory, which will be linked in the network to which ever area you cover in our 'model network'

Think of it, if your in spain, we whould create a complete agency or directory covering that region, which is yours, on your own domain we benfit from this by combining your site with our sites already in operation to grow our model network to cover more regions

We have the uk, usa, brazil now and russia soon covered

All other countries and regions are still open, You must think this is to good to be true, $1000 is small change to have your own business, we are cazy over here, we are losing on these deals, but building our model network to cover every country around the world is our goal, and things are looking good at this stage

Yeah i have models in flordia, off the top of my head i no theres some top stars and maybe 20-30 listed on pornicide.com, differnt ones on usaadultmodels.com to

If your loooking for models to travel to greece, italy or euro regions hit me up and i can send out your requirements in next mail out across my modeling sites. email Findescort33@aol.com

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