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Old 12-01-2004, 07:07 PM   #24
Ounique should edit this
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Originally posted by TheLegacy
I respect that funbrunette - problem is that if you have two gay brothers who lovingly call each other that (say Jason, Don Ounique or myself) we often use those words in the kindest sense - does that mean I have to limit my jokes to call Don my serious sweaty snuggle bunny?? Be so much faster to simply call him "xxx"
I think it's all in the context. But even thought we may use the words jokingly with each other, posting them on a message board can always be taken the wrong way. Plus, you can tell obviously when we are joking within ourselves, but on other boards you see it run rampant. I used to have a roommate that realized I didn't get offended when he used words like "fag" or "queer" so he took it as a license to use them every chance he got, to the point where it was downright nasty, and he thought I just wasn't getting it. I finally had to tell him, you can't use the words until you respect the people behind them. That shut him up real quick.
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