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Old 10-29-2002, 05:52 PM   #8
Cal should edit this
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I did a report on one of the first ground battles in Vietnam back in like 10th grade (wasn't that one, was some time after, when we brought in tanks) and it was horrifying to see what a disaster it was. Tanks stuck in the mud, soldiers left in the open to die, etc.

We Were Soldiers was based on a very interesting story, however as a movie it wasn't very good. Too much drama, and I was a little unclear on how the battle actually happened, the locations of all the soldiers seemed a little chaotic (and I saw it twice!)

One of the best Vietnam movies to this day, Hamburger Hill. Now that's war!

--edit: if you REALLY want to invest well in a war related film, get Band of Brothers on DVD when it comes out in November--

Coming Soon!
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