More Dead US Solders in Irak
Red Sox
Pacers getting dismantled over the brawl
Purdue Football going from being ranked 4th in the nation to a 4 game losing streak.
Loss of my cat of 17+ years
Moving to Florida
Being in 3 Hurricanes in 5 weeks
Realizing that most people in this business are hypocrites and liars with no purpose other then to fuck other people over.
People who know us know what I am speaking of, I will not go into more details but I will remember 2004 as by far the worst personal year Toni and I ever had, it started Dec 31 of 2003 and so far it has potential of looking up, but after of a full year of hell we are very cautious to say its getting better.
Hate to be the rain on a parade, but I personally am looking forward to 2005 since I know it can not be near as bad as 2004.

ICQ # 123278082