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Remembering 2004
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12-17-2004, 07:49 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
Posts: 4,780
My newborn nephew
The first time ever celebrating Thanksgiving in October
The elections
Dec. was my 1 year anniversary of moving to Canada.
Becoming "mom" to a kitten
Originally posted by Torn Rose
Realizing that most people in this business are hypocrites and liars with no purpose other then to fuck other people over.
I couldn't agree more. I went through so much bullshit in 1 year to last a lifetime, on top of experiencing homesickness for the first time ever, and adjusting to new surroundings. 2004 definitely was not one of my better years, but I grew for the better personally, and my eyes were opened to just how shrewd and evil some people really are. Every day is a new day. In time, the wounds will heal.
I, too, am waiting for 2004 to end. Things are improving now as it is, so 2005 is going to be all that much better.
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