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Old 12-19-2004, 11:28 AM   #1
thewave should edit this
Citizen X
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Default We need your traffic and will pay top dollar for it!

We need all types of traffic into our system!

You got exit traffic? We'll buy for it $3.00 per thousand hits. And if you want it, we've got the exit code to get around popup blockers and SP2. http://www.exitforcash.com/

You want to send us popunders? We can do that. Two popunder programs paying $3.00 per thousand or $1.50 per thousand. Our popunder code will defeat popup blockers! http://www.fpctraffic.com/

Do you want top dollar for your clicked or skimmed TGP traffic? Get paid $3.00 per 1000 raw hits to our clean page. We pay for traffic from all countries. http://www.fpctraffic.com/

Do you want to send traffic to our Free Hosted TGP? Done! 3 TGPs to choose from - get paid for all outgoing clicks. http://www.fpctraffic.com/
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