I try to be a very competent and astute business minded individual who also is a staunch socialist and behaves accordingly to local work laws, the 35 hour work week and 5 week paid holiday per annum that is in existence in this great country of France *whistles first refrain of the Marseillaise*
9am arrival on time (with a margin of 15-20 minutes of 'retard' which is French for late, not mentally challenged like you probably initially gathered)
9:01 slap Tafkap upside the head a say "Bonjour dooooood!"
9:03 first coffee break
10:00 read extranet
10:30 read stats and mail and other pertinent sources related to da niz that i prefer keep to myself for the time being

10:45 spark up real player (open during regular and post season play, my library for stockpile of MP3 pleasure the rest o' the time)
10:46 spark up Photoshop, Image Ready, Fireworks, Flash, Dreamweaver, Ultra Edit or whatever the tasks du jour call for...
11:30 coffee break 2
12:30 coffee break 3
1:00 Lunch begins
2:30 Lunch over
2:35 Forums, mail, continuation of visit in HTML/graphics land plus barrage of ICQs towards the waking giant (aka US & Canada)...
3:00 coffee break 4
4:30 Tea and Crumpets
5:50 extranet, stats, mail
6:01 Set sail