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Old 12-20-2004, 12:19 PM   #1
braincash_Dom should edit this
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Default Braincash 2.0 Is Out And Now Running With Nats

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We are proud to annouce today that Braincash 2.0 is out with a new design, features and running with NATS as tracking software. We've made the switch to NATS so our affiliates can benefit from better tools and also have peace of mind about the integrity of our company.

The switch to NATS was not made in hostility towards Mansion productions' products but mostly because NATS offers us a lot more of flexibility to build code around it until our own affilate software is ready. I would like to thank everybody at Mansion Productions for their support while we were with them and especially Peter, who has always been there day and night for us.

To ensure a smooth transition, we will still track the old linking codes from mpa2 AND the cookies (including hosted galleries) to make sure no sales will be lost in the process. But we still ask you to change your links, since you will benefit from better tracking stats with the new system. Also maybe your old stats will act weird for the next 24 hours untill all the processors have posted the rebill informations into the new system.

We are more than excited to start working with NATS and hope that everyone will like the new Braincash. Waiting your comments about our major move

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