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Old 12-20-2004, 07:05 PM   #7
baddog should edit this
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Originally posted by sweet7
Yes tests. For example: let approved potential applicants submit 1 gallery to test the traffic. If it's a new idea some people may not be comfortable with it. I personally do not work with paid partner accounts, so if I were to do that I would watn to test it out before hand. But that's just my opinion.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I think we will pass. First of all, it is impossible to test any TGP with one gallery, and secondly, we will only be accepting a limited number of partners. THere are plenty out there that can recognize a good value that we won't need to give test galleries.

As you are not inclined to work with paid partner accounts it wouldn't really do mych good to make an exception in your case, but at least you should understand why we are doing things the way we are.
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