X Nations - View Single Post - Mark Monaro... A top notch guy
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Old 12-21-2004, 04:24 AM   #7
monaro should edit this Edit
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Merry Christmas..

XNations delivers excellent networking opportunities for the average webmaster such as myself.

JMan, I am honored to be an affiliate with your program! I saw an opportunity when you posted on the board the other week and felt that it is just what I have been looking for in a sponsor. Thank you for posting that day.
I apply myself in areas where I can see the industry changing and focus on my own sites to deliver the results.

I plan to carry out my webmaster resposabilies with your program that will lead me into reality pornstars. We all know that demand is at our door steps, and I'm looking forward in establishing a sound business plan with you.

Oceania, YnotBob & I spoke the other day and I beleive that the entries have been forwarded to Evil Chris. I am sure that there will be an announcement on the board soon. I am also looking forward to learning of who our lucky sexy Xnations female is aswell.

Funbrunette, you are truly one of a kind, I
can't thank you and Chris enough for running such a wonderful board.

Panky, you are a very special person. I enjoy having a conversation with you.

G'day Sweet, thanks for your support.
Everybody, those who don't know Sweet! I am sure allot of you do. Luke is a advanced webmaster with skills that litualy rock this industry. He is one of the good guys and a very good friend to me.

Trish, I would first call your Father and my Father a great Australian.
I concider myself as an acheiver, I strive towards excellences in what I set my mind to do. I havnt got there yet. I may not ever get there. I do know this, we live in a great Country. And yes I will always call Australia home!

Have a great day!
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