OK, I get it.
But I still think that the whole business model and product you're pushing just shows a lack of understanding about what the product IS.
We're talking about porn. Companies that try to sell porn to be used in inappropriate places show that they don't really understand how porn consumers actually use their porn.
Porn, you see, is not a novelty item. A novetly item like a ring tone or a video game is something that can and will sell on a portable medium. Novelty items you can share with your freinds.
Porn is something that the end user will hide from his wife, from his friends and keep as a dirty little secret from his co-workers. He or she uses it for the purposes of masturbation and sexual fantasy. Sure, many couples use porn to enhance their sexual relationship with each other, but they're still not going to be doing that while having dinner at a Red Lobster.
The true consumers of porn don't use their porn on a bus platform. You can't jack off while waiting in a bank line. Porn is something that is generally used in the privacy of one's own home. Sure, you'll get the odd knob who's got a Moan-Tone to impress his freinds or a short video clip as a novelty, but for the most part, I think that the sales pitch that we're getting really seems to show that the entire phone-porn industry doesn't understand the market they're attempting to penetrate.