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Old 12-27-2004, 04:54 PM   #1
lucas131 should edit this
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Default submitter

I want to buy Chameleon submitter but i have some questions to persons who add galleries by this submitter...

How many galleries a day its best to submit? How many its best profits?

How many hits u get in your galleries? Average hits 1k,10k or more... What types of galleries are the most profits?

How many sales per gallery have u? Or with 10 galleris how many sales generate u average? I want to know what is 1/10 or 5/10... I know that i depends to a lot of things bu ti want to know how chamelen submitter work to you.

What sponsor make u best sales? Plz tell me what sponsor generate u he best profit by adding galleries... What click ratio have u, and ratio in sponsors?
how many thumbs and what size?

If can somebody plz contact me by ICQ: 331987596
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