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Old 01-03-2005, 11:54 AM   #9
monaro should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by Gruntled
I'm voting for panky and monaro to get published. The annals of this board have golden advice, for free, just for the searching.

You guys rock!

I would say 7 out of 10 times.
I would follow the advise of the leaders in our industry. I think about what we are offered for advise and listen, read & write notes on everything that is concidered with in my reach for testing and developing something that I enjoy.

Long ago over 15years in a past work role
I conducted continuous stopwatch studies for a Manufacture and I would break down the operation times into elements where I would find possible improvements and apply my knowedge and method study
and save the Company money by working smarter, not harder.

Well today's fuction is still very much the same. With the tools that are used to find solutions on various situations can be applied in such a way that you derive a possible outcome and choose to action such findings.

Thank you for showing interest.

Have a great day

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