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Thread: A new Forum?
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Old 10-30-2002, 11:52 AM   #13
RMS should edit this
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For my 2 cents, (3.3 canadian),

I only ever check in on these 3 types of forums on any of the boards I visit.

Main forum.
Traffic... just to see who is offering what today. (hit and run... usually dont read the posts from people I havent seen before or with less than a certain number of posts)
Spam... just because you never know what you might miss out on. (same as traffic forums)

There are so many webmaster boards anymore, even excluding the "old established" ones, you could spend your whole day on boards and that doesnt make you money. It's easy to get caught up in them for someone new.

I would rather see fewer forums.
But if you need to add another one, something tech/tools oriented maybe?
Though, I am sure that would be hard to make fly.
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