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Thread: A new Forum?
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Old 10-30-2002, 11:53 AM   #14
BobbyR should edit this
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Join Date: Aug 2002
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Originally posted by Cyndalie
I like the idea of a Marketing forum consisting of ideas to increase, exchange, and manage traffic including search engine topics, trade needs, and new generation methods and ideas. Some announcements should be ok in this area, as the concept is to get as many ideas out in the open as possible.
This is the best idea I've heard in a while. I've been a little irritated lately with all the boards. You post a press release and get a ton of crap for it. These boards are for business. If I had all day to sit around and chat about my coffee and what webmaster has the cutest ass, I would, but I do have work to do during the day. Afterall, we are working right?

Let's get back to business and the future of our Industry. I would watch and post all day on that board.
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