X Nations - View Single Post - Content Producers, please give your thoughts.
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Old 01-06-2005, 04:18 AM   #1
monaro should edit this Edit
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Lightbulb Content Producers, please give your thoughts.

Would video content for a site be considered the main focus over picture content?

Is picture content considered cream for the cake? Or would it go hand in hand with Video content?
Keeping in mind of today's demand and I invite you please to share your thoughts.

Reason for which I have something to decide on these next few months,
I'm interested in the content to follow the story epodes that has already started to be created.

Please understand I will not release until an agreement with a video and or picture producer has been made.

As mentioned Story Content has already started to take place as I have been lucky
to have spoken to a Company. If that member is reading this, I would like to thank you
for accepting my first requirement. I’m looking forward to starting more episodes with your Company.

I have also been looking into a Company for audio stories. I’m drafting up my requirements
to make first contact on this.

Please with out a thread directed towards spamming me with this and that,
I humbly request please for advice on Video and Picture Content to finish off my project
and help speed up its release.

What would you consider to be a ratio with video content over picture content?

I don't know fully the answers myself and
wish to keep my business contacts close to
members here at XNations.

To members who consider yourself with similar interests, I'm hoping you will find
what you need here also. I feel confident
that I will make some business decisions from this thread.

Thank you in advance.

Have a great day
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