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Thread: A new Forum?
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Old 10-30-2002, 12:09 PM   #15
baddog should edit this
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Okay, this opinion is based on my experience both as moderator and member.

I mod at XBiz, and they have 7-8 different forums, but they also claim to have 5,000 members. Even so, there are some forums that get significantly less traffic than the more popular ones.

I also mod at MogulBoards, and we have 7-8 forums there also, but these are more along the lines of support boards, so we have one for each program. While we have close to 4.300 members, there are 2-3 forums that get most of the posts, but they are the more popular programs also.

I also frequent probably 10 webmaster boards as a member, and I have to say that other than to occasionally check out the spam boards, my attention is focused on the general chat.

I think that at this point in time that to add another forum, thinking it will get more traffic than the international board you removed is a dream, or a goal. You are still a young, growing board. Perhaps after you have gotten a few hundred more members you should ask the question again instead of relying on the 25 votes you may get today.
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