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Thread: A new Forum?
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Old 10-30-2002, 01:46 PM   #21
Cyndalie is not it.
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LOL, I already have a forum, it's called CynSmackinBootyTime

Seriously tho, I agree with BobbyR, spam and business related topics are often confused. The only kind of spam on boards that pisses me off is the drive by's "User: XXX 1 post | Visit xxx.com ". But running the forums at Adultchamber.com for the past 2 years has taught me that being flexible and tolerant can help the poster come out of their shell a bit. I usually do it by asking a question about the products/site/service/program. If they dont answer in 2-3 days I assume it's a drive by and move it to the spam thread. If they do reply there's more information being exchanged, more posts, and eventually, more dedicated visitors/posters. Interactivity not Complacency. Isn't that what its all about? Most newbies don't have the finnesse us old timers have when it comes to integrating promotions and presence in everyday marketing. We've all been there.

By creating a marketing thread it may bring more ideas to the table that otherwise would not because a visitor is afraid of being accused of "spamming" their product. Well if we can't represent, why are we here? Touche

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