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Old 01-12-2005, 08:20 PM   #1
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Default HustlerLive Exclusive: Jessica Jaymes' First-Ever Video Chat

Hi Everybody! It was great to see old friends and meet new ones and I hope you all had a great time in Vegas.

Once again, FlyntDigital is excited to announce another exclusive HustlerLive feature show. This time, it’s Hustler’s 1st-ever contract girl, Jessica Jaymes, who will make her video chat debut on www.HustlerLive.com Tuesday, January 18th, from 5-8 p.m. (PST).

A Rare and Historic Broadcast

What’s even more special is that she’ll also be making her boy/girl video chat premiere with adult performer Dez, and will be taking all XXX requests from all www.HustlerLive.com viewers who chat live with her. Jessica promises to deliver a wickedly sexy performance in a rare b/g outing that is sure to keep the private chat rooms as stuffed and ready to burst as affiliates’ pockets.

Jaymes’ National Exposure Makes This A Must-See Event

Jessica has already been featured on the nationally syndicated Howard Stern Radio Show as well as the E! Channel. Plus, she wowed audiences at the recent AEE Expo in Las Vegas when signing at the HUSTLER booth. Her substantial stable of new fans will no doubt flock to see this stunning HUSTLER Honey in her premiere Feature Show which will handsomely reward those affiliates who add this FREE service to their site(s).

New Promotional Tools Available

Brand new promo tools are now accessible to put in all your high-traffic areas for maximum profits. Linking codes are also available in the “Partner Sites” section of www.flyntdigital.com. Stake your financial claim by making our universal brands and big-name performers work for you.

If you have any questions or comments about this one-of-a-kind feature or any other FlyntDigital service, please feel free to contact either myself or Mike Cardone aka ESNEM at: Laurel@Hustler.com or Esnem@Hustler.com

Take care everyone,

ICQ# 266158705


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