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Old 01-14-2005, 06:48 AM   #1
PrivateCash should edit this
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Default PrivateCash=$$$$ + increasing traffic

Hi all,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to announce that Private has launched its new affiliate program PrivateCash!! For those of you not familiar with Private Media Group, we are the leading global adult entertainment company that is NASDAQ listed under the ticker symbol PRVT. Private has been around since 1965 and has the largest library of adult content in the world.

Now you can take advantage of the brand name Private by affiliating with our sites that are multi-lingual, multi-currency and offer on time localized payment options. Plus our content is EXCLUSIVE to Private. Conversions are insane!!!

We are offering webmasters the chance at earning huge amounts of money with our unique affiliate program.

Some highlights of our payouts are:
- $20 / €20 payouts on monthly subscriptions (keep in mind that €20 is $26!) or $65 / €65 on annual subscriptions
- Revenue share up to 70%
- Upsell commissions
- Shop commissions at 35%

We have a dedicated account management team that will work with you to make your traffic convert and provide you with personalized and easy-to-use marketing tools that will help you generate considerable revenue, increase traffic flow and build consumer confidence.

Sign up today!

If you have any questions, contact us at info@privatecash.com.
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