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Old 01-20-2005, 04:19 AM   #1
CumSensei should edit this
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Default Announcment: Buy my dedicated server with alot of sites on it. Read more inside.

Ok here is the deal.
I am moving to my house and I got some new project cumming up and I want to start over fresh from scratch.

So I am selling my own dedicated server with EVERYTHING on it.

This includes.

Cumdojo.com (One of the oldest cumshot tgps online)
Traffic: around 16-20K a day but could be worked up easy by someone who know their stuff.
Income: Around 1500-1800 bucks a month.
Script included: Tm3 and agp pro. Worth around $400 combine.
Note: I only have partners submiting to this tgp and the skim is 25%.
You will not get access to my sponsor codes because I will still use them later on.
So you would have to add your own sponsors but this would take a day or two.

Gallerydump.com (Thumb tgp)
Traffic: around 4K a day.
Income: maby around 100 bucks a month.
Script included: Tm3 and Thumbnailmanager.
Note: I have not put much work into this tgp but the tools are there
so if you got skill you could work this up easy.
You will not get access to my sponsor codes because I will still use them later on.
So you would have to add your own sponsors but this would take a day or two.

Traffic: A few 1000 a day mainly SE and bookmarkers.
Income: None since I have not added any sponsor to it or even my own links.
Script included: Agp sql
Note: This is a non trade tgp and clean designed.
I added a few PR trades but thats about it. No trade script or nothing.
I get alot of good feedback from the partners who post there about the quality of the traffic.

Included in the deal will also be these domains.

All domains are registered from directnic and will be transfered to you.

The server: Is a dedicated server hosted at the moment at eliteplanet.com and is worth around 1500 bucks. and are fully managed.
hosting is at 0.60 a gig. This server can however be sent wherever you want to. The host will send it but you have to pay the fedex fee.


This is whats included in this deal.
I want to sell this as soon as possible because of my move.
I think a fair price for this would be around $6K and money should be sent by wire.

I prefeer to sell this as a whole package since that will make things more easy for both me and the buyer if we dont have to transfer scripts but I can just
Transfer the domains and give you login to the server and you are all set.

I will take offers all during the day and weekend.

Contact me on icq 20231065 or by email webmaster@cumdojo.com


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