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Old 01-23-2005, 04:40 PM   #6
Torn Rose
Torn Rose should edit this
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We had neighbors from hell for 3 years until we said fuck it and moved in July. It was pretty bad, barking dogs CONSTANLY, loud music, and the woman had a bad attitude that was so bad when I had to call the cops on her music she told me to "go ahead my husband is a cop, he will take care of it" which the cop on the phone heard so that was a interesting day.

We also had a second neighbor who loved his Harley and diesel tow truck and rebuilt Monte Carlo with extra loud muffler so much, he would let them idle in the drive way for hours at a time, and I swear to you, he let all 3 idle at the same time at times.

The Harley he loved so much he would let it idle in the drive way for an hour, then ride up and down the street 2 or 3 blocks and let it idle in the drive for 30 mins before he put it away....

So I know what BS is when dealing with others.....

ICQ # 123278082
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