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Old 01-24-2005, 11:11 PM   #11
Funbrunette is Travelling the world!
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Originally posted by BuggyG
so what did she do that makes ya all wanna hang her from the flabs of lard on her body??
Would be too long!!! Let's just say she's a fat insecure 40 year old with a personnality of a 12 year old! She thrives on chaos and gossip. To answer this is actually a waste of a post (which by the way, she logs in daily to read the board) Can people buy lives?

---> This is probably the most attention she's had in weeks...ROFL!!!!

Bye! Bye! Actually this is turning into quite the outing anyone in the region is invited...Dead serious It's going to be a blast! Still haven't decided where, but were going downtown! Let's face it, any excuse to go out is swell!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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