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Old 10-31-2002, 11:45 AM   #14
LadySharlot should edit this
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Hahhaha--OMG, I can't believe how OLD most of you are!!! Hahahahaha

For the most part, unless the Treat is TOTAL WOWZO, then most kids don't remember from one year to the next who gave out snickers and who gave out tootsie rolls. It's all in the fun of just going door-to-door. Also, I prefer to give out the Good Candy, not because of where I live, but because I would like to Receive Good Candy if I was doing the trick-or-treating. LOL

They're kids guys! Hhahahaha Don't hide in your front room and pretend you're not home, don't give them Tuna (okay, that's actually funny enough to work--so you can if you want to) but now's your chance to have fun with the kids in your hood. And even if you DON'T want to have fun with them, you can surely Fuck with them by scaring the crap outta them when they come to the door!!

Hahahhaha--Help Stop the OLD Fuddy-Duddys! Dress Up, Be a kid, and give out good candy!!! Hahhahahahahaha

Lady Sharlot :-)
Who's off to buy Snickers, Reeces, KitKats, Herseys, and all of the other candy that I like! :-))
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