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Old 01-26-2005, 07:45 PM   #6
BlueQuartz should edit this
pimpin aint easy
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Originally posted by Jess
Nice spamming technique you have there. Trying to bring down other hosts, while promoting your own.

First of all.. you are a reseller at EV1. Therefore you are NOBODY! You get a server from EV1 and resell hosting.. oh boy! Just a one man show, and when shit hits the fan you are nowhere to be found. You are on this fucking board right now, but your "live" support is offline.. get to work dick weed.

A true host would be a company that actually owns its servers, switches, routers, lines, etc.

So, with that said.. a host like that will probably charge more, but also be much more reliable then you with your EV1 server.. lol! I get a kick out of you people.

Also remember, its a free market, businesses are free to charge whatever they want for hosting.. if you don't like it, go find a new host, and quite fucking crying about it on some board.

If you hate it so bad, start your own host, and charge what you think is fair.. until then.. shut the fuck up!

Welcome to the board!!!

great post and well said about Jinx - he fucked alot of us around when he was starting out - we all hung out in an irc chatroom together - some shit went down and everythign was down like for DAYS - he simply left the chatroom and ignored everyone - this was after I personally had referred a few people to him - great way of dealing with things buddy!!! Im still owed comissions for that actually - he started an affilate program but didnt think about how he was gonna send the money to webmasters after we sent him business - it was all fucked up

as for the reseller bit - that also is spot on - you should see the amount of hosts that claim to be the biggest and best with their boxxedart templates, copied plans and outrageous claims

anyways im done - jinx make an appearence in the ans chatroom very soon man - you know who to look for

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