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Old 02-07-2005, 08:43 PM   #1
oceania should edit this
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Default thank you with Love

"There is a past which is gone forever.
But there is a future which is still our own."
F. W. Robertson (1816-1853);

So many times people leave positions and there isn’t a good bye just one day they are there and the next hey are not.

I didn’t want to be one of those that just disappeared. More importantly I wanted to say thank you for being there with me as I learned the ropes
For accepting me
For being my friend/my family
For offering advice
And guidance and sometimes a good slap on the ass

although I am leaving ynotradio
I am not leaving adult
you’ll be able to find me podcasting
story writing
moaning and orgasming on the pages of some webmaster’s site
and I will always be there for you

the list of thank yours is more like the lists heard during the academy awards
I would like to thank….
The director
My mom and dad
Great uncle Herman and my aunt two times removed…

So I hope you’ll bare with me as I try and put a short list (but by no means a complete list) of thanks here in the post…

To YNOT for branding a company built on integrity and dedicated to nurturing the webmaster community.
To YNOTBob and LAJ – what can I say – the two guys that send chills down my
To twinkley for being so supportive.
To Kourosh and Punker barbie for the many orgasms they let me share with their guests.
To CyberCat for just being a very nice guy and proving nice guys don’ finish last.
spine…. Who wouldn’t want to be sandwich between them?!
To Daron and Brandy for hiring me…
To Kre and LeeNoga for always sending a smile into life. (anyone for naked twister?)

To the people that kept me company added great tunes to the YNOTradio list of music and more than once jumped in and offered an ear to help with quality control… a special thank you:
Madame who ponys like no one else and makes an orgasmic meatloaf (I know Roy would agree)
Thruma the math & tea god! whos sees good in everyone and everything!
Rochard (these boots are made for walking) I have a pair of handcuffs with your name on them…
The Legacy & Shedevil (lesbian man hater songs) who teased and promised wonderful images of debauchery
NevDull ( popsicle toes) who shared wit, wisdom, Alana and his cock with the chat
Shane (Korn WAKE UP) whose taste in music is unrivaled and whose friendship is never ending
SinSeer (give me headphones please) reminded me that innovation is the mother of invention
FreAkErZ a delicious veal chop…. with a hear to of gold
And to the others I may have missed or secretly covet and don’t wish to share
I send my love and my thanks

See you on the boards J
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