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Old 02-08-2005, 10:22 AM   #1
Evil Chris
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Default NHL Players out of their minds - Mark Cuban

"I think the players are a little out of their minds."

The NBA, of course, has had a salary cap for decades. NHL owners have locked out their players, and the two sides are stuck in a cap-or-no-cap stalemate.

Cuban was asked if the hockey lockout is bad for sports in general.

"Actually, it could be very good for sports if people come to their senses on what the reality of the business of sport is today," Cuban said. "Hockey could set the tone. If it's handled correctly, it could be the best thing that ever happened to hockey.

"The players need a bit of a reality check," Cuban said. "This isn't 1995. I think hockey has a great future with high-definition television, but the economics have changed, and that's just reality.

"Not only are the economics not growing for hockey, but they actually lost a television deal. If the players don't realize that, and if the owners give in, then hockey could disappear."

Here's the article

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