We bring the truth to you.
Please note that we are here to inform you the potential buyer. You do not have to believe what we say. That is why we have created a website about AST and his scams. Our website is a collection or references to AST from actual buyers or people that post on boards like this one. Also, please note that we do not sell anything on our website. Our website is dedicated to people like AST.
We would like to inform everyone about
http://adult-site-traffic.com . They are scammers. They send junk traffic. Buy from them and you will lose your money.
Click here for the full story. We think its very very important that you be informed before you take a chance and buy from this website.
Here is an extract from our website: The truth is finally coming to light. Here you can read a sticky post for the "" chat board. AST is on the "SponsorChat's list of 2005 losers on the net" list as #3!!! . Do you really want this guy to handle your traffic needs?
We do not care if AST says we are stalkers... because in a sense we are. We WILL NOT let him get away with his scams and you should be informed about him.
I hope this helps everyone. Good luck.