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Old 02-11-2005, 06:20 PM   #1
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Lightbulb I switched hosting it was a smart move

I switched hosting it was a smart move

I now have Powerstorm hosting
and it looks like a great deal to me.

Powerstorm's Platinum Virtual (Shared) hosting
Package includes 1.5 GB Storage & 75 GB Transfer
at only $19.95 monthly.

I used to have Web Gems Hosting
Shared Hosting (Virtual) VR-SPLAN 3
with 750 MB storage and 35 GB Transfer
at the same $19.95 monthly.

to get a comparable plan from WebGems would be

$45 monthly for their VR-SPLAN 4 and that would
only get 1 GB Storage and 75 GB Transfer, so
for over 2x the price at WebGems, for VR-SPLAN 4
you get actually less than the Platinum Package
at Powerstorm = www.powerstorm.net

And if the Platinum package at Powerstorm
is not enough they have a great Virtual Plan
that has A LOT!! in the "Paysite Powerhouse".

"Paysite Powerhouse" (Powerstorm) has
a generous 8 GB Storage & Whopping 250 GB Transfer.
that for only $75 monthly!

for your $75 at WebGems (VR-SPLAN 5) is worth
only 2 GB Storage and 175 GB Transfer, (no comparison)
not much compared to the Paysite Powerhouse
offered by Powerstorm at www.powerstorm.net

I also prefer the CPanel at Powerstorm to the
panel controls & interface that is at WebGems.

No matter how you slice it Powerstorm
is definitely a better value than WebGems.

That's my assessment and is now my choice.

I recommend POWERSTORM!

Thanks PowerStorm!

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