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Old 02-16-2005, 01:14 AM   #1
Rochard should edit this
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Default Rochard Venting: School of hard knocks

I spent four years in the US MARINES, and I learned more about myself during those four years than any other time in my life. Crawling around in sand and mud, blowing things up, jumping out of perfectly good airplanes..... What a great fucking time I had.

But the most important thing I learned during that time is that anything is possible, no matter what.

I remember boot camp and the struggle it was to get through it. Take the worst three months of your life, multiply it by 100, and that's Marine Corps boot camp. Nothing compares to it. (Army boot camp doesn't EVEN come close. And by the way, I am a Paris Island Marine, not some southern california boot camp pussy!)

My point here being.... That no matter how bad it seems things can always be worse, and there are times when you need to pull you fucking head out of your ass, put your chin up, plow foward, shoot first, take no names, and ask questions later.

I've never felt so fucking alive in years.

A little bit of drama every now and then is good.
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