Originally posted by Rochard
And by the way, I am a Paris Island Marine, not some southern california boot camp pussy!)
I happen to be one of them Southern Cali Marines, and I'll take your sand fleas and swamps and total isolation any day of the week compared to Mt. MotherFucker, ReconRidge, and drilling and running PT and hitting the rack every fucking day/night for 13wks watching planeload after planeload taking off of the runways at SanDiego Airport loaded with people that were NOT me leaving. Sand fleas, blah. Slept on Onslo beach one night and woke up with the pesky fuckers all over me. Only nancy boy Marines whine about them.
Other than that, I agree with your post. The USMC was a real eye-opener to myself that I'd have never had without those 6yrs of experiences.
Sempre Fi, Devil Dog!