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Old 02-19-2005, 08:03 AM   #1
lucas131 should edit this
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Default movie gallery how to do this?

I want to make movie gallry to MPGs but i dont know rules how to make thus gallery.
1. How many movies, 3 or 6 will increase my traffic? MPGs likes 3 or more movies?
2. What lenght and size, in example 3 movies with 1,74 MB its god size, or to small/to big? Movies with sound are better?

3. Can u know some big movie tgps? And any tuturials, arcitles how to make movie galleries? Plz for help

In some MPGs i see that a lot of galleries are build with sponsor template i think.
4. What sponsors do u use to promote paysite in movie galleries?
5. Is it good to use sponsor template or better to use own? Graphis or only text?
6. How many ads links 2,3,4?
7. When i will use sponsor content (reality cash) fresh every week fresh, every day new site have fresh content, will i be listing in MPGs? Or mpgs dont like sponsor content?
8. Plz for post me some examples good movie galleries with high ctr. I calculate that movie galleries with 3 movies are size 5 mb, sample thumbs index etc... its about 6 mb per 1 movie gallery (in picture gallery only max 3), is it profit to make movies? It's sized more, bandwidth more, maybe more ads i can put, so better ctr, ratio in reality cash 1:200 to joing page i think good?If i promote reality sites(they convert good now imho) is it better to make movie or picture galleries? I now that movies sizes more, bandwidth too but maybe mgals sells better?

Last edited by lucas131; 02-19-2005 at 08:32 AM.
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